The Hardest Part of Playing an Online Game

You see, this has always been a problem to me.
Ever since I started playing an online game [ro], I've never even settled for 1 name!
It's like almost all the time, I can't be contented and I would end up thinking of a new one.

I've been playing for a few years now and it was always a problem.
Every time I create a new character [or even account], I couldn't THINK OF A BETTER name!
I've filled all the stats, picked the hairstyle and hair color and then next thing I know,
I'm staring froze at my computer screen because I couldn't think of A NICE NAME.

Likewise happened when creating a guild. Even though I've learned the ways of a player [from the most basic to the advanced].
My friends would give me an emperium and instead of saying thanks I would reply back with
"Hey! What's the guild name?"
In a thread, we would skip that question out and move to the next topic.

It may sound very, very simple, but TRUST ME...
when you've learned how the game goes, the problem is not gonna be, how can I be a pro player
but rather "What's gonna be my character/guild name?"

You would even ask google's help for that.
That's how serious this thing is!

This post was originally published in my previous (dead) blog. I copied and edited a few sentences.