Canon Photoskwela 2011

I'm quite impulsive and a bit of an opportunity-grabber when it comes to free yet efficient stuffs in this world. So when Canon Philippines announced their 1st batch of Canon Photoskwela Pro 2011, I immediately booted up my mail and tried my non-weary luck to pre-register for the said event. In a few days time, Canon responded and voila! I'm one of the 300 students who get to meet and be a student of the Canon Ambassadors of the Philippines.

Every student gets to choose 3 free classes and as if I won the lottery jackpot, all of my preferred photography genres are on the line, those are food, travel, portraiture. I actually don't like taking photos of people because honestly, I suck big time at that! So to neutralize the horribleness of my ability in that field, I chose portraiture. Back to the topic, however on the day (that's today!) of the seminar, I was deprived of a slot and I wasn't able to take Professional Travel Photography by Mr. Per Andre Hoffman, so instead I opted for Wedding Photography. The class that I enjoyed the most is Portraiture by Ms. Pilar Tuason, because it was really a hands-on class. We get to take photos of her model complete with studio accessories, but while I was taking the photos, some dim-witted-creepy-creature went behind the model, that's why when the model finally looked at my camera... it was RUINED! He ruined 4 of my photos. 

I have a 3-hr break but instead of taking photos of the models, I decided to take photos of the crowd :P

I'm chilling now so checkout some of my portrait shots. You can also check my deviant account.