INTERNET 101: Stop Motion Vid: Deadline by Bang-Yao Liu

This 2-minute video was made by Bang-Yao Liu & his friends using tons of post-it notes. It took him 3 months to plan and study the whole concept, 4 days to shoot and approximately 6,000 post-its (majority are pink & blue), but according to the Savannah College of Art and Design scholar student he didn't get to use all of the post-it notes. Some were given to his friends and some where sent to trash. 

The success and feedback was so overwhelming that Mr. Liu made another episode of deadline, but this time he made the post-it notes travel around the world. Check the vid below.

And if you're still curious about their pre-production, check out "The Making of Sticking Close to You".

PS: I can't post the video making of the Deadline 1 because Youtube/EMI blocked it in my country.

Bang-Yao Liu: Youtube | Official Site